I hope you read my post yesterday, the one where it became obvious, I really did not know what day it was. I try to examine what I have written so as to eliminate the obvious errors, but how could I have missed - not knowing what day it was? The fact is, I did.
So, I tried to make amends and wound up wasting away a lot of time, trying to write a more lucid explanation of what I was trying to say. My words failed me. I knew it.
Well, not until this morning while I was scanning my incoming e-mails and came upon one of the articles from, Charisma News of all places. I used to love those folks. The magazine, Charisma, was created in the church I was attending at the time. I thought I knew the Founder. But as time has moved on, I discover I never knew him at all, but that would take longer than I want to offer this morning.
I want to share my thoughts about the article I saw this morning. Apparently, it was written by a Cindy Jacobs and was entitled, "What is God Really Saying about America's future? It was the title that drew my attention. I wanted to know as I do not have that many years left to do what I can for this great nation I love so very much.
So, I read through it, pondered some of her thoughts and printed a copy so I could look at later in the day. It is sitting here at my side as I write this.
But first, I remembered that I had not sent a "Good morning" e-mail to a dear friend who has been more than just a "friend in need" since the passing of my wife. There is nothing romantic going on, she is just the best friend I have ever known in person since that day, almost forty years ago, when I came heart-to-heart with the Lord of the Universe, my Father in heaven.
It started out like this... "Good morning, Karen" and then this followed...
Up early, scanned my e-mails and the only item of note was a lady by the name of Cindy Jacobs who was trying to tell us - "What is God really saying about America's future?" And I know, there are people who will believe her.
That has been the subject of my prayers for quite awhile now and I keep hearing - "You already know, all you need to do is examine is the path on which you have been travelling."
Well, if that was a personal response, America has an exciting future.
God has been very real to me for the past forty years. On May 13, it will be my fortieth anniversary of that "day" - actually, it was closer to Midnight, when I knew that I knew, God had heard my plea and had spoken to me, directly. Two words, "Follow Me!"
And so I have and although here have been moments of doubts, they have long since been replaced by the realization, He is always close at hand.
Not Him specifically, but certainly some of His angels as I have seen them, not the "winged" variety we hear about, read about, in the media. They came in the shape of persons who come across my life, almost daily....."
And then, I stopped. I sensed I needed to tell others how I know that it is the God who has been watching over for me for all of those years. Is it the same God of whom Cindy Jacobs speaks or the One in whom I have placed my trust? I know there has to be a difference. Not that I could have an article placed in Charisma magazine or others, but the One I have known and who has became even more real - after the passing of my wife who had led me here to Cookeville, TN, to marry and now I was left alone in a place I hardly knew. My Sister with whom I had been living with in Hendersonville, TN, prior to moving here, was now living in Arizona. I was eighty three years of age and as far as I could see, there was no future for me. The pain that I bore seemed to be greater than the God I had known for so many years. I began to plead with Him to take me home. I began to fast so that I might weaken and die, but to no avail. It was then that I realized, what should have been apparent to me. If you seek God and have not found Him where you thought He should be, go to a place where He has other followers. So I did and came across a group of angels that loved me back to life.
I cannot tell you of the joy that has flooded my life since He made that recommendation - to stop feeling sorry for myself and reach out to the virtual armies He has stationed throughout our earth. I never realized how real they were until I began to examine the news coming at us from all directions. Bad news! Or was it? "Take a closer look, Sherwood" And everywhere I looked I could see His hand. I stopped reading the headlines and watching - and listening, to the news "breaks" that interrupted the regular programming on TV or over the radio. I was not naive. Every since I returned from the Korean war and realized, none of my family seemed to have missed me, nor my friends and former classmates. All were too busy tending to their own affairs and so it should be. The problem was - as I came to realize, we actually do have an enemy of our souls and he is busy, 24/7, 365/6 days of every year. I knew him personally as he had nearly robbed me of everything I had once held dear to my life .
It wasn't until that fateful day 40 years ago that he lost his power over me. Now, I know that He is really real, He has continued to open my eyes to the dangers that are everywhere about us. But it is not the dangers that come from abroad, it is the very real dangers that come from within. It is not from the disputes that rage between the elements of our society, the political powers, the poor and the rich, those who have too much and those who have literally nothing at all, the futurists and those who yearn for the lazy, hazy days of the past. No, none of these. It is the battles that rage within us as we aspire to reach beyond our capacity to accept life as it is, today. There is nothing wrong about wanting more tomorrow unless of course, we have not yet learned to live with what we have today. It is not the others, it is the proverbial "man in the mirror" that causes our despair.
And along comes a Cindy Jacobs, child of God, earning a living it appears, by her writing skills, but as a prophet? Stirring the pot so that others will be lured into believing what she apparently believes. I love her, God called me to love her, as He called me to Steve Strang, who I knew so many years ago. I understand. They are earning their living by catching our attention. There is little difference between them and those who write for the New York Times. Oh yes, I know, they are Christian as I am. Who are the others to believe? I can tell you the truth. None of us are really that important.
One day, God explained my plight to me and I would like to suggest that it is appropriate for all of us. "Son", He whispered, " you realize of course, I knew where you would be living today, ions ago. I knew that what I did for you and what I have done for each one of the others, would lead you to this place. I knew that long before others came to realize that the DNA I implanted in you would be different from all of the others. So, I knew there would be conflicts. That is why I sent My son to atone for your sins, so that you could learn to live with and love the others. In your case, it seems to have worked well, Some, not so well. It cost the life of my only begotten Son so that all would understand, how seriously I took your life to be as well as all of the others."
After reading the article mentioned above, I was reminded to share what I have just shared, confident in the fact that He will dictate our futures. The role of the prophet or the prophetess is intriguing but the fact is, America's future remains in my hands and yours. It is my prayer we will all take our eyes off of the prophet and look squarely into the mirror.
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