Sorry about that. First, my computer "ate" an essay I had intended to post following on the one about "fox" hunting and other unanticipated interruptions in the paths of life we tend to follow.
Some have said the key to the satisfied life is to plan on such occurrences, but the facts of the matter are that is difficult to anticipate the activities of those who set out to make our lives more difficult and there are always going to be accidents. Such as the other day. I was making a left turn and a young lady coming from the opposite direction, who should have have stopped or, at least paused to let me pass in front of her, did not! So, now I must rely o my friends for transportation until I get another car. Fortunately, neither of us were injured. Life moves on.
An instructor in college used to attempt to teach us by reminding us that between those those two appendages we call ears, where some among us hang our glasses, we have a brain, a magnificent lump of matter, that hears all and unless we put it into gear, it tells nothing. What goes in, stays in. Now that I am approaching my 86th birthday, I stand amazed that just this morning I heard a tune on the radio and recalling the melody, I began to sing the words.
If I was a college professor, I would encourage my colleagues to teach their students how to link what their students learned much earlier in the lives to the subjects being taught in classrooms. For example, I began my education in a one room country school house and our teacher used to refer to lessons she had learned in college and on at least one occasion, she explained what she had learned about science, in particular how our earth and our sister planets, the sun, the moon, the stars, etc., moved about in space without running into one another. I sat at my desk, totally fascinated as most of us had never heard about those interests - until a few years ago when I heard a NASA scientist talk about the "Colossian cohesion". He was using that term to explain my childhood curiosity. As he told our group, the Bible teaches that ..."in God, all things hold together." (Colossians 1:17)
One of my closest childhood pals grew up to become a Marine Corps jet pilot and I never hear of those pilots that I don't reflect on that friendship even though we have only met, casually, twice in all of the passing years.
On the other hand, I once used a curse word while talking to another pal and I can almost remember the hurt he inflicted on me as result. Yet, we remained as close friends right up until the days before he passed away.
Our brain matter does retain far more than most of us can possibly recall. I do not remember my father at all, but the pain I experienced over the years, because of that fact, has often caused me to do things to fuel my own natural anxieties. As a result, I believe, it has taught me more lessons than most of the psychology books I have ever studied.
That is why I put so much emphasis on completing the cards I suggested, adding positive references to the names you have collected. There is a strategy involved in most employment interviews where you are asked to answer questions you may have never anticipated. You might be surprised to learn how may candidates lose jobs only because they did not anticipate such strategies. If you have a firm understanding of your skills and every day life as it has occurred to you, you should not have any problems getting his or her approval.
Your greater problem is the research that is required to locate potential employers. By far, most of the candidates I used to interview had no idea of the possibilities for their skills. Most were content to review the active job openings and rely on their u-employment insurance to support them until an opening was advertised. Those days ought to be relegated to the ancient history department in the public libraries. The first step we used to recommend was for our candidates to visit their library and review the employment pages of the local newspapers for the previous year. Today, that possibility is more likely a waste of one's time ad resources. For the most part, today, companies tend to rely on recruiters for their top level jobs and staffing services for the routine job requirements.
Tomorrow, we're going to suggest how to deal with this reality and create your own job opening.
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