After finishing the last post, I came upon a series of articles written by other bloggers, none of whom claim to be experts in the area of personnel recruiting, but as I scanned them, it seemed to me that each one was writing about attitudes that many people have about relationships. If there is anything a job candidate needs, it is the ability and the confidence to persuade their interviewers that he or she is the best person for the particular job under consideration.
One blog got to me in a hurry. If anything, he might have qualified as one of the worst job candidates I had ever met in my experience interviewing others. He apparently wanted to discuss mediocrity as his title suggested and he started with the suggestion that "you (his readers) will never be good enough" and that is sad as he has no real idea of who might be reading his suggestions. He went on to talk about "hope in your darkest hours' and then continued to suggest that "being lazy is good for productivity". Now, I must be honest, he did talk about other positive characteristics, but I need to remind my readers, people who are evaluating others employment opportunities are not interested in hearing about mediocrity, fear and laziness,
In creating a resume, you should be using thoughts like competence, confidence and coping with all of the challenges you have faced in precious work places. They might not have offered all of the challenges you are seeking in a new position, but whether or not the other workers approached their responsibilities with the same attitudes as you now want to convey, they all offered attitudes or skills that the employer apparently appreciated. Sometimes, we tend to forget that in every job situation, there will always be those who excel in their work attitudes and others who are still learning You might indicate you had also offered assistance to those who were less qualified.
A fact we all need to consider, when we are born, there are over seven billion others who are more qualified than us to do anything besides suck on a bottle and fill our diapers, and 230 million plus other citizens of our nation who will be competing with us, in one form or fashion, for the rest of our lives. You probably have discovered that most of them are more than just competent in whatever endeavor they have pursued, but the good news is, in every situation you might face in life, you have the innate ability to outperform them.
The next report concerned a certain Professor who came to our country from another nation who now is called a Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Management at a West Coast college and has been lauded as world's leading researcher on positive psychology I loved one of his many thoughts on the subject. "Repression ("being kept down") is not the way to virtue. When people restrain themselves out of fear, their lives are by necessity diminished. Only through freely chosen discipline can life be enjoyed and still kept within the bounds of reason."
We don't hear that word - virtue, very often. It meas goodness. We appear to live in a world where it often seems that being "bad" is the best way to get noticed. The opposite is true. You get rewarded for being good and being bad often meas time in a lock down. The better answer then might appear to replace fear with faith; faith in yourself is a good place to start. And you express that faith by being competent in your chosen endeavors. The good professor makes a point that is too often ignored. We all need to live productive lives - not only as a way to earn a living, or gaining acceptance among our fellow beings, but to add to the society in which we live. I have often visited prisons as a way of reaching out to those less fortunate and I cringe as I go through those steel gates. Those men and women are there because somewhere along the line, they failed to grasp the concept of a life in which we add to the lives of others rather than taking what they had no right to take.
The other person I met through his writing endeavors is best known as Sir Ken Robinson, another Professor, an Englishman originally from Liverpool, whose book, "Out of our Minds: Learning to be Creative" has been a best seller. His thoughts on creativity at every level of our lives, starting in the primary grades ad extending throughout our lives, is widely known throughout Great Britain and in the United States. It makes good sense. One of the greatest thrills I have ever experienced in my many years was watching my children take toy blocks and build something out of them, even before they had words to describe their creation. I made friends with a autistic child who was given a toy computer and had it working before her Mother had even read the instructions.
We are all creative. You doubt me, I guess. Well, just take a few minutes to listen how that dent appeared in your new car, just after one of your teenagers returned from a visit with one of their friends. Oh, you said they were lying. Not in their opinion. They were just being - creative.
Think about it. You probably never thought of the times you were only being - creative.
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